Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 3, 2012

On November 6th, the Media Democracy Day team welcomed what was perhaps the biggest and most diverse audience the event has seen in its 10-year history to the Vancouver Public Library for a dynamic day of debate, discussion, celebration, and community building. Sessions, including a keynote address from Al Jazeera English's Tony Burman, were filled to or over capacity, and a number of our smaller panel discussions filled so quickly that would-be attendees had to be turned away. We estimate that over the course of the day, nearly 3000 people partook in the proceedings.

The success of the event was celebrated at Fresh Media's Remixology 3 event, which featured a wonderful talk from Steve Pratt, Director of CBC Radio 3, live music, and a room full of vibrant minds and hearts. The organizers of Media Democracy Day could not be more pleased with how the event came together, and are extremely proud and humbled to have been collaborators on a project like Media Literacy Week.

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